Badge Cuts
Finding your badge cut to ensure a perfect fit is an overwhelming task at times. 911 Duty Gear will help you find yours among our 3000+ offered cuts.
First and easiest way to finding your badge cut is finding your Agency in our navigation:
- Select Agency from our top menu.
- Choose desired product.
- Click on badge cut link in description.
- This will bring you to your badge cut outline.
- Right click, select print.
- Print at a scale of 100%
- Place your badge in the outlines of the printed document to verify the correct cut.
If your Agency isn't listed not to worry! We have a data base that you can search over 3000 badge cuts by Cutout number, Badge Model, Manufacturer, Height & Shape, and style number! To find yours, click here!
Submit a Badge Cut Addition:
Can't find your badge? Submit a request below and we will add it!